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Selection Sort

The selection sort is also relatively intuitive, but may out-perform bubble and insertion sorts because it makes fewer swaps on average.


It works by:

  • maintaining a sorted section on the left side of the array.
  • the left side will always contain the smallest items in the array (assuming an ascending sort).
  • A cursor iterates from left to right.
  • In each iteration, the algorithm “selects” the next smallest item in the remaining unsorted array. Then it swaps that with the cursor.

The selection sort is:

  • stable, equal elements maintain their relative order
  • in-place, it uses no significant extra memory to run.
  • inefficient, having O(n^2) performance.
  • not possible to run in parallel.
  • works with non-numerical types, it uses a comparator.

The main advantage of the selection sort is it requires fewer swaps to run than insertion sort, so it can out-perform that.